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A member registered Jan 17, 2017

Recent community posts

Mission 2: stepped on the little port warehouses, catapulted to the stratosphere. 10/10 unironically. PS: since in your lore it is unclear wether the natives worshipped you as a god or a demon, and there are other native buildings throughout the other levels, maybe you could tie it in the end as the end of the final mission, where wether or not you spared the native culture you get one ending or another.

If you hold down "e", you can walk through the walls on the first story mission since it stops checking collision

No problems! Keep up the good work mate!

Minute suggestion: slower animation after foot stomp, since it removes weight by being too fast

I see a problem with the explosion videos used for portuary explosions since it cannot spin as the player moves and the resizing breaks soon. I suggest using volumetric bubbles with semi transparent UV for smoke effects to save on processing power

Nice development then. Before finishing the campaign, may I suggest adding a roguelike feature? divide a map in triangles with each vertex being within a random 3D radius, and each triangle of a specific type (city,  harbour, forest, etc). Using Perlin noise, you could have a mode where every mission is different, allowing you to have people playtest an unlimitted ammount of configurations to check for bugs or combinations you'd like in storymode. 5 minute runs are fun, and better than 1h grindfests, shortness in this is your ally as a small dev, embrace it since it keeps things fresh and more akin to the genre.

You're welcome! glad it helped.

PS: when on the military mission on the story, after killing the tanks, going into water does not end the mission

Suggestion, feel free to ignore:

when adding smaller units use boid theory to have them swarm. If you wish to go the extra mile, you can use Q-Learning for medium units so that the military gets smarter the more they fight you. As for mechanics, I suggest using Singular Point as an example of how to do upgrades. In order to keep away the pain of programming every single enemy, have the AI fight an AI version of the kaiju with Q-Learning and save the weights for distribution. This way, they'll seem smarter. You can find papers for free on

thx, also, why can't i change armor in the bundles? and why does the player sometimes get frozen without being able to move or spin? even if i spawn alone without anything else, it happens after 10-20s if i haven't killed anyone (i know because i like to roleplay as a 2nd line troop

but they did it on purpose o.o, they flipped 180 degrees and started attacking them

my hoplitas kill ally hoplitas

And here am i, refreshing the page every 5 min, to see the update

why do i die when using sword while on horse?

you're doing a great job! ^^ btw, i think there's a bug, grenadiers and stone throwers can't fire when on top of a wall

thank you for your honesty, love your work! ^^ and, what about killholes for the castle? A tower/wall that throws rocks as melee

Please, if it is posible, building destruction and repairability

Dear developer, please, i'd love to be able to command units in the battle editor! instead of having them go as they please, for instance, creating a waypoint ^^